Respectful Parenting

How to be the best parent you can be by connecting with your child and holding your boundaries respectfully.
Browse this section for inspiration if you're struggling with some unwanted behaviours.

On the Blog...

3 Signs your child is struggling but can't tell you

3 Signs your child is struggling but can't tell you

Watch & Listen ⬇️Kids don't have the words or the maturity to express to us with words that they're having a hard time.They SHOW us that with their actions, play...
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My kid pushed another kid

My kid pushed another kid

NOT NAUGHTY ⬇️⬇️Our kids KNOW that pushing, shoving and hitting are ‘bad’ behaviours. They most often don’t WANT to hurt someone else, but it’s the FASTEST way to communicate in...
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Reduce Bickering

Reduce Bickering

STEP 1 ⬇️⬇️In no way am I expecting that my kids are going to get along all the time and not bicker, fight and struggle against each other.They're young, they're...
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After School Meltdowns

After School Meltdowns

QUICK FIXES ⬇️ My kids, like most kids, are often super dysregulated after a full day of preschool. They’re tired, hangry, sick of transitions, interested in all their toys but...
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Parenting Respectfully ≠ Being Passive

Parenting Respectfully ≠ Being Passive

Kids are allowed feelingsHolding space for feelings is so important. Kids need to be able to feel the full array of emotions life throws at them, just like we do....
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What to say instead of 'Good Job!'

What to say instead of 'Good Job!'

Try this 👇Praise is SO GREAT and we should always be looking to notice the good things our kids do more than we notice and comment on their not so...
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Tantrums and Meltdowns

Tantrums and Meltdowns

Coping ⬇️If your kids are "angels" in one setting then struggle when they come home to you - please rest assured that you're doing a great job.When we as parents...
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Breaking the Emotional Blackmail

Breaking the Emotional Blackmail

Control it ⬇️Children don’t control our emotions. We do!What one adult may react to or be triggered by, another adult may not. That’s because we’ve all had different experiences, upbringings...
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5 Early Signs of Autism

5 Early Signs of Autism

Good to know ⬇️You can't diagnose Autism from an Instagram post, but it's important to be aware of SOME of the things you might observe and think about if your...
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Supporting Siblings to play together

Supporting Siblings to play together

Yes - they fight.But instead of expecting any different from two infants with underdeveloped and impulsive brains, I’m actively supporting them to learn to play together by joining in.Here’s some...
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There's no such thing as 'naughty'

There's no such thing as 'naughty'

🕵‍♀Be a detective🕵️‍♀️When your child hits out at you, focus on what they’re trying to communicate, not the behaviour.When your child says something mean, focus on what they’re trying to...
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When you tell your child to stop doing something and they keep doing it...

When you tell your child to stop doing something and they keep doing it...

Try this ⬇️When we tell our kids exactly what we'd like to see them do, we take away the cognitive load, we take away the temptation, we tell them what...
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My kids are fighting over a toy - What we can say

My kids are fighting over a toy - What we can say

A script! ⬇️The way you speak to your kids is EVERYTHING and it can mean the difference between everything working out and everyone having a meltdown!I find that this fun...
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Self-esteem is everything.

Self-esteem is everything.

😔If we're honest - I bet all of us can say we've said a phrase like this or had something similar said to us when we were children.🥺It comes from...
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Your child's brain, why they're misbehaving and how to help when they're losing it

Your child's brain, why they're misbehaving and how to help when they're losing it

What to do ⬇️Sometimes our kids seem to lose it over the smallest things, like what colour cup they drink from or suddenly deciding they don't want something they've asked...
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Why I don't say "Good Job" or "Well Done"

Why I don't say "Good Job" or "Well Done"

IYKYK ⬇️This change makes SUCH a difference and is totally worth practising if you're a parent.WE KNOW that we want to praise our kids and make them feel good but...
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Taking Breaks Outdoors

Taking Breaks Outdoors

We were losing it ⬇️Sometimes it feels like a military operation trying to get kids outside or to do anything but we do A LOT of it because we see...
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When swimming lessons go wrong...

When swimming lessons go wrong...

My response ⬇️When our kids feel dysregulated, out of control, the worst thing we can do is try to be more in control and push them further out of the...
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5 Reasons Your Preschooler Isn't Listening To You

5 Reasons Your Preschooler Isn't Listening To You

😡LISTEN UP!! If adults were to record themselves all day then listen back and tally up allllll the times they give their child a direction, or asked them a question...
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Help! My toddler won't stop throwing toys

Help! My toddler won't stop throwing toys

“stop throwing” doesn’t work. Here’s what does.Our kids need to learn how to throw and they obviously want to practice this skill. We just often don’t like to see it...
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