Communication Development

Strategies to support your child's communication development within their everyday routines and play.
Browse this section if you're looking to broaden your child's vocabulary, improve their speech sounds or develop their social communication.

On the Blog...

Best way to read to your baby

Best way to read to your baby

More strategies ⬇️🌟Here's a throwback to when my 4 year old was 10 months old.GET FACE TO FACEPositioning yourself so you can get face to face is a total game...
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If you're parenting a toddler, you might need to hear this

If you're parenting a toddler, you might need to hear this

Learn more ⬇️ We all want to hear our children talk so badly that often we put them under too much pressure. That pressure can significantly impact their language development. It's...
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Do I need apps to support my child's language development

Do I need apps to support my child's language development

Put the screen down.Turn taking is the foundation of conversation.We know that children (and adults) learn language best from TURN TAKING interactions with a RESPONSIVE adult. Let me break down...
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Try this trick when reading with your child..

Try this trick when reading with your child..

THIS MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE.Kids need to PRACTICE their vocabulary in order to learn how to to use it independently and there’s no better way than with a book.Kids love...
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5 things to do if your child starts stuttering

5 things to do if your child starts stuttering

Do this asap.Disclaimer: children can have dysfluent moments (stutter/stammer) for a number of reasons. Sometimes dysfluency happens as part of development when children have bursts in their vocabulary and language...
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Choices Help Language to Develop

Choices Help Language to Develop

Language development tip:Not only will offering your child choices show them respect and reduce tantrums because they feel like they’re in control, it can also help language development.Think about it,...
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5 Reasons Speech Therapists work with the parents more than the children

5 Reasons Speech Therapists work with the parents more than the children

Why it’s so important that caregivers are empowered to be part of speech and language therapy. 1. They trust you more than anyone. We’re all more likely to listen to...
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Is this the reason your child isn't combining words yet

Is this the reason your child isn't combining words yet

1 word-->2 words Let's get your little one combining words!Share this one with a parent who's little one has just started talking.
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Functional language always wins.

Functional language always wins.

Whether you're teaching words verbally, through sign or using a communication device, children need functional language FIRST before any academic concepts like the alphabet or colours.It makes sense right -...
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What counts as a first word?

What counts as a first word?

"Mama" or babbling?To know if your child is saying a word or just babbling, you need to consider whether they are saying the 'word' CONSISTENTLY and INTENTIONALLY when what they...
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Help! My child isn't communicating with me

Help! My child isn't communicating with me

Help! My child isn’t communicating with me. Try this! Tempt them to communicate by giving them their cup or bottle empty. Pretty soon they’ll send you a message that something...
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Quick reminder: Push your Child from the Front of the Swings

Quick reminder: Push your Child from the Front of the Swings

It's all about getting face to face. We know that when parents get face to face with their children and make eye contact, it significantly supports a child's emotional development....
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Did you know? Communication Begins with Gestures

Did you know? Communication Begins with Gestures

It’s pretty common knowledge among speech-language therapists that kids start using gestures before they start saying actual words.Some research has shown that when toddlers used gestures to represent something, they...
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Communication Milestones

Communication Milestones

BUT WHAT IF MY CHILD ISN'T DOING THESE THINGS?Don't panic. You're not alone. Some children take a little longer. If your child is in this age bracket and only doing...
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Quick Tips for Language Development

Quick Tips for Language Development

YOU are your child’s best teacher.Making these small changes to the way you respond to your child can have a huge impact on their language development. It’s all about creating...
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Tell a Story to get a Story

Tell a Story to get a Story

Less questions, more comments. Did you have a good day?Yep.What was the best bit?Lunch.Who did you play with?Dunno.  If you’re struggling with one word answers from your child, then it’s...
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Is my Child being Lazy with their Speech?

Is my Child being Lazy with their Speech?

There's no such thing as lazy speech.If your child COULD speak correctly then they absolutely would. It's wayyy harder than you think to learn a new sound then remember to...
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7 Skills Your Child needs Before they can start to Talk

7 Skills Your Child needs Before they can start to Talk

Language is built on solid foundations, and these are the 7 foundation skills your little one needs before they can start talking.It's like learning to walk. Babies need to reach,...
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Language Development Tip: Choices Help Language to Develop

Language Development Tip: Choices Help Language to Develop

Not only will offering your child choices show them respect and reduce tantrums because they feel like they're in control, it can also help language development.Think about it, "do you...
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Six Common Mistakes when Teaching a Child their First Words

Six Common Mistakes when Teaching a Child their First Words

Are you teaching or testing??!It's SO EASY to fall into the 'testing' role when teaching kids to talk because we so badly want to hear their first words. And when...
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