Backyard Pond

Backyard Pond

Backyard Pond

One of Auggie's favourite things to do with his Nana and Granda was to throw stones into any body of water on their outings! My parents did a fantastic job of following August's lead and replicating this play in their garden.

Heuristic play at its best. They filled a bucket with water, found some stones and added some other containers, including a tin and a colander. Auggie could then splash as many stones as his heart desired!

Children learn more language about things they're interested in. There's a lot of other sensory input on a walk - at home is calm and allows for much more repetition. Repetition is key to learning language.


  • throw the stones
  • plop, splash
  • the stones sank to the bottom!
  • 1,2,3,4,5 stones...
  • the water splashed out!
  • let's fish them out again

What would your child do with a pond at home? Have they tried splashing stones?

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