DIY Snow Globe

DIY Snow Globe

DIY Snow Globe

I let Auggie explore most things but I'm not insane. We have some big, glass snow globes that are off limits. He's shown a real interest in them so I thought I'd make him some that he CAN explore. Cue me finishing a tub of nutella....

🏺Collect your jars! Nutella jars are perfect as they're translucent AND plastic. I also used a glass pasta jar. Glass jars are pretty robust and can take a good few drops and throws!
🎄 gather some cheap, plastic Christmas decorations
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 use a glue gun or super glue to glue the decorations to the lid or to the jar.
✨ add glitter. Less is more - trust me. Some tiny beads would also be fun.
💦 add water until the jar is nearly overflowing, then....
🤯 add THE SECRET INGREDIENT which is a dash of washing up liquid. This stops the glitter from floating on the top.
✅ put the lid on tightly. You could add more glue to secure it.

snow globe


We walk about the weather. I use the language "whirling twirling snowstorm" because those are the words used in the 'We're going on a bear hunt' book (see my recommendations page for a link). I also use vocab like glitter, sparkly, spin, shake, falling, snowing, Christmas, ornament and pretty.

These take no time to make and are really fun. An older child might want to take part in putting them together - I made them as a surprise for Auggie.