Bang Bang Bowl

August absolutely loves a metal bowl. It's all about taking things out of a container these days, and if that container is shiny and makes a loud noise when you bang it; it's a winner!
I put some discovery items in here today which can literally be anything as long as there's no really small parts and you're watching your babe closely. In mine today there's a little Christmas book, a tub of tea that makes a fun noise when you shake it, my car keys, a metal washer from dad's tool box, a shaker toy, an old dummy and a loofah.
This activity has kept him interested longer than any other this week - lots of great floor time and movement.
This activity definitely makes you look at the contents of your home differently. You've seen it all but your baby hasn't - what can you put in YOUR bang bang bowl?
Watch a video of August interacting with the bang bang bowl here
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