How I use Speech and Language Therapy Strategies in Everyday Interactions

How I use Speech and Language Therapy Strategies in Everyday Interactions

How I use Speech and Language Therapy Strategies in Everyday Interactions

Just examples of how I weave strategies into simple interactions as we play. I know many of you loved this content when it was in my stories so I’ll try to add some more permanent versions to reels.

  • Follow her lead – playing peekaboo
  • Putting words to her signs to her her I’ve understood
  • Imitating vocalisations
  • Modelling the next step – a two word sentence ‘mammy’s milkies”. Signing both
  • Following her lead, putting words to what she’s pointing at
  • Imitating car noises and adding the word “car”
  • Back to playing peekaboo! Adding simple language to this and that she could imitate “boo”
  • Not talking whilst she’s focussing on climbing. Sitting at a distance and trusting she knows how to climb
  • Using the same word as before and using lots of repetition

Watch the full reel here

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